• Partner egg donation

    Partner egg donation | Shared motherhood

    Starting January 1st, 2025, it will become legal in Denmark for a woman to donate her eggs to her partner, allowing them to share the journey toward motherhood together ❤

    Learn more
  • Åbent Hus

    Are you considering fertility treatment?

    Let us help you on your path to a new beginning

    Contact us here


Mille Duzenius

with Mille Duzenius

At Trianglen, we offer counseling therapy with our skilled Mental Health Therapist, specializing in fertility and family formation, Mille Duzenius. 

Gratis fertilitetsbehandling

If you have a Danish public health insurance card you are entitled to:

  • Consultation and Examinations free of charge
  • Insemination free of charge – except donor sperm

This applies if you are childless or have no children with your current partner, and regardless of your age, if you are under 46 years.

Ingen ventetid på ægdonation

With short waiting time

At Trianglen, we can assist you with treatment with egg donation.

Many women have recently chosen to become egg donors, which means that at Trianglen, we can currently offer donor eggs with short waiting time. 

kvindelig infertilitet Trianglen

We take care of you

Our anesthesia nurses ensure a pain free process during egg retrieval

Bliv ægdonor

Give Life | Become and Egg Donor

Are you considering becoming an egg donor? Your gift could make a world of difference to those who long for a child but cannot achieve it without the help of a donor like you. If you're thinking about donating, we would love to hear from you.

Love Is Love

Are you dreaming of a family?

Each year, we treat many single women and LGBT-couples with donor sperm.


Netværksmøde for solomødre

More women are choosing to become solo mothers by choice today. That’s why we at Trianglen offer networking meetings tailored specifically for solo mothers. Please note that the meetings are held in Danish.

Trianglen på Instagram

You can also meet Trianglen on Instagram: @trianglenklinik