Fertility treatments
At Trianglen Fertility Clinic, we perform all types of fertility treatments that are legal in Denmark. At your first consultation we will find the best and most efficient treatment for you and a possible partner.
Our fertility treatments include
- Cyropreservation of embryos
- IUI (insemination)
- Donor program (Egg donation, treatment with donor sperm, double donation)
- Acupuncture
- Assisted hatching
- Endometrial priming
Book a consultation
If you have been trying to achieve a pregnancy for more than one year (or less if you are over 37 years of age) without success, we recommend you book a consultation.
How long should we try to achieve pregnancy, before we seek treatment?
Generally in less than one year. After that, about 84% of all couples have achieved pregnancy. After two years, about 92% have achieved pregnancy. In some cases, we would recommend to seek medical advice and appropriate treatment earlier:
- If the woman has irregular menstrual periods
- If the woman has previously had a serious pelvic inflammatory disease or ectopic pregnancy.
- If the woman is over 37 years, it may be prudent not to wait too long because the possibility that a woman can become pregnant decreases with age, especially after 37 years of age. See more about egg quality and age.
- If the man had inguinal hernia or undescended testes in childhood, it is also a good idea to get a semen sample tested.
- If one of you earlier have been in a relationship where it was difficult to achieve pregnancy.
How long is the wait?
We have no waiting. All our treatments start immediately after a menstrual period (see treatment types). So one treatment cycle can be started when you want it. It is of course a prerequisite, that you beforehand have had a consultation at Trianglen.
Can we do anything to increase the chance of having a baby?
In some cases. See details under "Lifestyle Factors".
Should we be married to be treated for infertility?
No. It is possible to treat both couples and singles. See legal requirements here.
Is there an age limit for fertility treatment?
Yes. According to Danish law you may not receive fertility treatment if you are 46 years or older. There is no age limit for the man. The public fertility clinics do not treat couples where the woman is 40 years or older.
Can you be sure to have a child by fertility treatment?
No, unfortunately. But the possibilities are good in most cases. For example, a couple where the woman is under 40 years old have around 25-30% chance of achieving the birth of a living child after one IVF treatment. After three treatments, the overall chance around 65-70%. See more detailed information, see "Pregnancy Chances" and "Results".
Can we have intercourse during fertility treatment?
Yes. There is no evidence to suggest that sexual intercourse reduces the chance of getting pregnant.
Do I have to take injections?
Yes. You will get a thorough instruction in the clinic, and it is not possible for you to carry out the injections yourself, we will find a solution.
When will we know if "we" are pregnant?
After In vitro fertilization (IVF) we take a blood test 17 days after the ovulation injection. The blood sample is tested for pregnancy hormone (hCG). You will get the answer the same day. After insemination treatment, you get a "home pregnancy test" in which a few drops of urine may show whether the woman is pregnant. This test is made 14 days after insemination.
How many have twins?
With IVF the twin rate is around 20%, if we have placed two fertilized eggs in the uterus. The possibility of being pregnant with twins is reduced, when only one embryo is placed the uterus. See our results for IVF treatment here.
By insemination treatment with hormone stimulation the twin rate is about 10%. See our results for insemination here.