Embryo transfer
The embryo transfer is normally performed 3-5 days after the oocyte pick-up.
On the day of embryo transfer, the lab will call you in the morning to tell you about the embryos that will be transferred. You will be informed about the number of cells in the embryos and about their ‘quality’.
The embryo transfer is usually simple and painless and only takes a few minutes. You will see the embryos on a monitor before the transfer. A gynaecological examination is performed and a very thin catheter (tube) is introduced thorough the cervical canal into the endometrial cavity where the embryo(s) are transferred in a small drop of fluid. We may also do an ultrasound through the abdominal wall during the transfer.
It is common to transfer one or two embryos in order to minimise the possibility of multiple gestations. Occasionally it may be considered to transfer three embryos if it is believed that this may increase the chance of becoming pregnant without increasing the risk of triplets unacceptably.
After the embryo transfer, you may rest in the clinic for 30 minutes or so before you leave. There are no special precautions after the embryo transfer but we recommend that you avoid hard physical activity including high intensity exercise for some days.
You should not swim ot take a bath tub bath the first week after the transfer.
In general, you can lead a normal life. You may also lead a normal sexlife after the embryo transfer.