Partner egg donation | Shared motherhood
From January 1st, 2025, it will be legal in Denmark for a woman to donate eggs to her partner without medical necessity, allowing the partner to carry and give birth to the child. The eggs can be fertilized with sperm from a sperm bank or a known sperm donor.
Contact our Egg Donor Team directly by phone for more information:
+45 4445 5150
Important requirements
We are committed to comply with the provisions of the Act on Artificial Fertilization. Therefore, the following conditions must be met:
- Requirements for the egg donor: The egg donor must be healthy, both physically and mentally, and free from severe or hereditary diseases in the family. Blood tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis are conducted for each donation. We can treat until the woman reaches the age of 46, with a maximum of 6 donations allowed in total.
- Requirements for the pregnancy carrier: The woman carrying the pregnancy must be expected to complete the pregnancy in a safe and healthy manner for both herself and the baby. This means she must be physically prepared and optimized for pregnancy, considering any existing medical conditions, as well as her uterus and uterine lining’s ability to implant and carry a pregnancy.
- Couple assessment: Both partners must be evaluated as suitable parents. This assessment applies to all individuals undergoing fertility treatment.
Types of sperm donation
Donor sperm from a sperm bank: You can choose a donor who is either Non-ID release (non-contactable) or ID-release (contactable). Discuss your options with the sperm bank.
Known sperm donor: If you choose a known sperm donor, he must first undergo a thorough evaluation to be approved as a known sperm donor. This includes tests and consultations at Trianglen, as well as blood tests, screening, and storage at the sperm bank.
Partner egg donation step-by-step
- Egg donor evaluation: The egg donor is evaluated at Trianglen to determine suitability as an egg donor.
- Hormonal stimulation: The woman donating the eggs undergoes hormonal stimulation to mature egg follicles in the ovaries, making them ready for retrieval.
- Egg retrieval: Eggs are retrieved in a short procedure under effective pain relief.
- Fertilization and development: Eggs are donated to the pregnancy carrier, fertilized using ICSI and cultured to the blastocyst stage over 5–6 days in the laboratory.
- Blastocyst freezing: High-quality blastocysts are frozen for later transfer to the partner carrying the pregnancy.
- Preparing for transfer: The pregnancy carrier is prepared for the transfer of a thawed blastocyst. The uterine lining is optimized for implantation, and if the woman has a regular cycle, this can be done with minimal medication.
- Embryo transfer: A blastocyst is transferred to the uterus of the woman to carry the pregnancy.
- Pregnancy testing and scans: A blood test can confirm pregnancy 11 days after transfer. If positive, an ultrasound is performed 3 weeks later to check for a heartbeat in the fetus. .
Chances of pregnancy
The chance of pregnancy depends on many factors related to both the woman donating the eggs and the woman receiving and carrying the pregnancy. We will always provide an individual assessment during the consultation regarding your chances of pregnancy.
One of the most important factors is the age of the woman donating eggs to her partner. Looking at the chances of pregnancy for a blastocyst transferred into a suitable uterine lining, the chance of seeing a fetus with a heartbeat after treatment is 40-50% if the woman donating eggs was under 40 years old. For women over 40, the chance is at least halved.
Potential risks
- For the egg donor: Complications such as bleeding, infection, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) can occur, though these are rare. See more information about hormonal stimulation and egg retrieval.
- For the pregnancy carrier: Pregnancy via egg donation carries an increased risk of preeclampsia, high blood pressure, and intrauterine growth restriction. These risks can be reduced with daily low-dose aspirin (heart magnyl) from the end of the first trimester until 3 weeks prior the expected delivery date.
Lifestyle advice
- Folic Acid: 400 micrograms daily, preferably in a multivitamin tablet.
- Smoking and Alcohol: Should be avoided.
- Exercise and Weight: BMI should be between 19–29. Moderate exercise is recommended.
You can find our price list for Partner egg donation/Shared Motherhood here.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Egg Donation Team at: +45 4445 5150