Bettina Kok Trianglen

Bettina Kok Bartelsen

Head of secretariat

Bettina is a trained medical secretary with several years of experience from various specialties.
She is one of our colleagues whom you meet at reception and who ensures that you are always greeted with kindness, regardless of whether you call or show up at the clinic. Bettina is always ready to help you, and has extensive experience with booking your fertility course.

About Bettina, her colleagues say: "Bettina is a powerful and energetic colleague. As our team leader, Bettina is always ready with support and backing for us secretaries. She has a good overview, is structured and makes the secretariat very well managed".

New enquiries
+ 45 39 40 70 00

Trianglen opening hours
Fertilitetsklinikken Trianglen er en af Danmarks bedste fertilitetsklinikker